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Beyond Stretching: Russian Flexibility Breakthroughs: Pavel TsatsoulineQ:
How to get the OS (android) version and phone brand name?
Possible Duplicate:
How to get the android version and phone brand name?
I want to store the system information to server.
I have tried
but it is returning the android version in long format and the store that value in server is confusing for the other server team.
I want to store the android version like 4.0.3,4.1.2 and other numbers format.
Then i want to store the phone brand name in it's store with other devices.
I need those values.
Thank you.
There is no way to do this on Android.
There is an open request on the Google Issue Tracker to create a DeviceInfo class like you are asking for here:
How to get the android version and phone brand name?
And here is a Google Issue that covers the APIs for getting the phone model:
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